Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Top Paying Sites (Updated)

- 5$ Payout w/PP
- .003c Per Ad
- 30% Referrals
- 15+ Ad's Per Day
- 200,000 Members
- Payment Proofs Proof1 Proof2
What i like about this one is the ability to stop in a few times a day and get new links
to click.even at .003 per ad there are enough ads and they are only 20 seconds each
one of my best makers right now.
- 2$ Payout w/ PP,AP
- 50% Referrals (100% Upgrade)
- .01-.015 Per Ad (.01-.02 w/Upgrade)
- 4+ Ad's Per Day
- Payment Proofs BigProof1 Proof2 Proof3 Proof4
Another great site , at least 4 ad's a day at .01 for free members.
one thing thats reall y cool is that if you are surfing other PPC sites and someone has
an NeoBux Ad going you can catch extra ads to click for another .01 cent.
just today i found an extra 3 ads this way.

- 10$ Payout w/PP
- 5% Referrals 3 Levels Deep
- .0015 - .0050 Per CLick
- 12+ Ad's Per Day
- .05 For E-Mails
- Shareable Links For Twitter/Facebook and Many More to Help Bring in Referrals
- Payment Proofs Proof1
Another site that has extra links through the day and almost always at .01 each.
I get Emails from them all the time at .01 also.Another one of my best money makers right now.
Stay logged in and refresh the page every few hours to grab those extra ad's.The sharable links
are great as anyone that clicks them and joins gets added to your referrals !

- 2$ Payout w/PP,AP
- 50% Referrals
- .01 Per Click
- 5+ Ad's Per Day
- 133,000 + Members
- Payment Proof Proof1 Proof2 Proof3 Proof4
Not much about this site ,Reliable .Always at least 5 ad's to click.Grab you pennys
in a few min's and move on to the next one.
- .002 -.005 per Click
- 10+ Ad's per day
- Online for Over 2 Years
- Payout w/ PP,AP,LR
- Payment Proof Proof1 Proof2 Proof3
A New site to me that's been around awhile.At least 10 Ad's per day easy to navigate.
Go in quickly grad your 10 ad's and move on that is the best part of a great PTC.

- 7.99$ Payout w/PP
- .001-.006 Per Ad
- 50+ Ad's per Day !
- 85,000 Members
- GPT Click/Sign-up/Surveys
- Payment Proofs Proof1 Proof2 Proof3
This one takes a bit longer to do if you click every ad ,But if you do you will see it
reflected in your payments.This has made me the most money so far.
Another site you can pop in on a few times a day and get new ad's.All ad's reset at 12am
every night.Defiantly worth a signup if you can spend 15 mins viewing ad's.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Donkeybucks is Closed!
Donkeybucks is now Closed!!
Unfortunatley we have been forced to close donkeybucks. This decision was not easy and we would like to thank all our great members for their support
Some of you may know that not too long ago, donkeybucks suffered a serious hacking attack that had almost totally destroyed our database. Also a large amount of our funds had been stolen from our accounts. We have been working hard to try a recover from this but unfortunatly to protect everyone concerned, we are forced to close the site.
It is with great regret that it has come to this but without any funds we are unable to continue running the site, and would not wish to further diassapoint our users.
Thank you again for using donkeybucks, and sorry to let you all down. Please understand this was an unfortunate event that was out of our hands
Kind Regards to everyone
And with this news it has been removed from all lists.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ohh no ! UpBux Down !
Dear Members,
We want to speak the truth to you.
PayPal limited our account, and after 5 days without sleep and many phone calls
Our team has worked very hard during these 4 months, day and night to bring a confident and happy environment for our members.
And I see that all you have always supported us. Unfortunately now that decision is no longer in our hands.
I did the impossible and what was in my power so that we can follow with UpBux, but despite all of our efforts, it seems impossible to fight with this great Mafia perhaps one of the largest in America.
They limit our account and about 85% of all our funds were in our PayPal account.
Then it has become became impossible to continue.
Have you ever heard of the PayPal Mafia? Each day that passes, this fact is proved.
Some ex-employees and ex-managers of PayPal. See their testimony and draw their own conclusions:
" 1. If you ARE frozen, accept the reality that this isn't some mistake that can be corrected by an e-mail or
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brand New Pay to Click Site.
Still in Beta Get in now and Claim your referrals.
run by a company not new to the PTC world
Min payout will be 2$ And increase 2$ each payout till 10$
Payouts will be made with Paypal and Alertpay
Risk of Scam Moderate.
Subscribe to:
Posts (Atom)
One Great way to Promote whatever GPT site (or anything for that matter)Is With Safelists.Here are a few of The ones that are working for me.
My Best Safelist!With the ability to earn real cash per mail as well as banner impressions and Mail Credits then trade in credits for cash !Jackpots for Credits Banners and Cash.In 2 weeks i already have 23$ in my account.(i won one of those jackpots !)
Good Safelist 40 Credits for each mail opened and 450 for each Solo Mail opened .
Another Fine safelist
With 500Credit List solo's and 1,000 Credit Contact solo ad's This is another must have Safelist.

PTC News and Info
UpBux (NEW)
Is Down probably for good.Due to PayPal limiting their account
A sad they were a very good site.
Has had it's Domain Suspended
3 Days Down , Looks like it went Scam , Removed from all lists.
Just singed up for this site , Great source of traffic already have a few referrals from here!
Is Down probably for good.Due to PayPal limiting their account
A sad they were a very good site.
Has had it's Domain Suspended
3 Days Down , Looks like it went Scam , Removed from all lists.
Just singed up for this site , Great source of traffic already have a few referrals from here!

Scam Sites
I have taken the time to give a short review of each of the GPT (Get Paid To) Sites i post here.I do not have time to give in depth info on each and every site i post.It is very important that you read the ToS (Terms of Service) Of every site you wish to sign up for or you could lose money or worse get banned from the site itself.All Sites have different rules they put up and you need to know them.
PP = Paypal
AP = Alert Pay
EG =E-Gold
PTC = Pay to Click
PTR = Pay to Read
PTS = Pay to Signup
TE = Traffic Exchange
PP = Paypal
AP = Alert Pay
EG =E-Gold
PTC = Pay to Click
PTR = Pay to Read
PTS = Pay to Signup
TE = Traffic Exchange
- Instant (3)
- New (1)
- Pay to Click (4)
- Pay to Read (1)
- Top Pick (2)
Smart Subscribers 90 Day Free Trial